Setting up the bot


Everything we are going to do will be based on ii. It’s an irc file-system that simplify a lot all the interactions with irc. The suckless page describe the principle.

For debian(-based):

apt-get install ii

we’ll need a reconnection file to keep ii up, here is mine with 2 optionals way to join the irc chan(s):

while true
    # if you only have one chan
    (sleep 5; echo "/j #my\_chan" > path/to/the/server/in) &
    # if you have multiple chans and want to add new chans easily (you just need to do an "echo chan\_name >> chans"
    fori in \`cat chans\`
    do (sleep 5; echo "/j $i" > path/to/the/server/in) &
    ii \\\\
        -i "folder\_where\_ii\_will\_put\_is\_stuff" \\\\
        -s "\_server\_addr.pouet" \\\\
        -p "port number of the server" \\\\
        -n "bot name" \\\\
        -f "bot name"

(Don’t forget to put the correct informations)

Just launch the script (chmod +x && ./script or sh script). We now have our irc bot.

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