
Some useful stuff

  • Tinyfiying an url with ur1.ca:
curl -s http://ur1.ca/ -d "longurl=the url" | sed -u -e '/Your ur1/!d;s: *::g;s:<[^>]*>::g;s:^.*Yourur1is\\:h:h:;'

[Bonus] Pipe a RSS to status.net/twitter

You can pipe the output of rsstail to an status.net/twitter account with bti. This is an easy and stable way to post a RSS feed to status.net/twitter.

Here is an example:

rsstail -u http://example.com/rss.xml -n 0 -l -N -z -P -i 30 -Z "[an header]" | bti

Warning, since it reads a RSS, it is very sensible, any change in the title or in the url will create a new post on your status.net/twitter account.

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